Space Pigeon with Saturn

Created: December 2022

Created in 2022, this stained glass is 2’ wide. Living and working in the New York city area for the last 25 years, I have witnessed wonderful moments of the wildlife thriving in a human-centered city. Pigeons are often overlooked, deemed "common", or actively despised. However these scrappy traditional cliff dwellers have adapted to live among the sky scrapers and make their presence known. They are some of the most beautiful birds in the species with their iridescent feathers that glisten from rich purples to emerald greens.

As a stained glass artist, I let the glass tell me what it wants to become. This variegated opalescent sheet glass used in the neck, head and tail feathers shouted out “PIGEON!” immediately. It wanted to speak loud, stand tall, and push the imagination of what this bird could accomplish.


Up-cycled Journey Lantern

